DLP Insights

Lawful dismissal of an employee on sick leave who participates in a football tournament (Newsletter Norme & Tributi n. 180 Camera di Commercio Italo-Germanica – Vittorio De Luca, Roberta Padula)

Categories: DLP Insights, Publications, News, Publications | Tag: malattia, Dismissal, Court of Cassation

30 Sep 2024

The Supreme Courte, by its decision no. 23852 of 5 September 2024, examined the question of the dismissal for just cause of an employee who, during a period of illness, participated in a football tournament already scheduled, thereby breaching his obligations of diligence, loyalty and fairness, thus jeopardising his recovery or return to work. The employee appealed the dismissal, arguing that the participation in a football tournament during his sick leave did not breach his contractual obligations. The company claimed that the employee had simulated illness in order to participate in the competition, thereby jeopardising his recovery and breaching the principles of fairness and good faith. The Supreme Court rejected the employee’s claim, stating that “the performance of physical activity during the period of illness <<…>> constitutes a breach of the contractual obligations of diligence and loyalty”. Furthermore, it stated that: “<<…>> sporting activity, by its very nature, may affect or delay recovery or the return to work”. Perhaps because of the particularly serious nature of the employee’s conduct, the judgment in question represents an important decision in a matter in which the case law has too often shown a tendency to tolerate conduct that raises doubts as to the employee’s true state of illness

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