DLP Insights

DID YOU KNOW THAT… remote working is now operative?

Categories: DLP Insights, Do you know that | Tag: rapporto di lavoro, smart working, accordo scritto, modalità di esecuzione, operativo, rapporto di lavoro, smart working, employment relationship, implementation method, in effect, written agreement

27 Jun 2017

From 14 June 2017, remote working has become officially operative, as “a way of implementing an employment relationship” carried out in part at the premises of the company and partly at a different location, without a fixed workplace, but within a maximum duration limit of the daily and weekly work hours established by law and the collective bargaining agreement. Such a way of implementing the employment relationship must be established by written agreement between the parties, also through organization by phases, cycles and objectives, with the possible use of technological means to carry out the work activity.

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