With ruling no. 2618 of February 4, 2025, the Italian Supreme Court upheld the legitimacy of the dismissal for just cause of an employee who, while on parental leave, engaged in parallel employment, thus abusing this right.
In the case in exam, during his parental leave, the employee had started a car-buying and selling businesswithout giving prior notice to the employer. The activity was uncovered following an investigation carried out by a private agency commissioned by the employer. According to the investigation, it emerged that the parallel employment was neither occasional nor episodic, thus conflicting with the purposes of paid parental leave. As the Supreme Court stated, these purposes «require that during its enjoyment, the time and energy of the working father be dedicated, even through his presence, to fulfilling the emotional needs of the child».

This conduct, constituting an abuse of parental leave, therefore justified the employee’s dismissal. The Supreme Court stated: «where it is established that the parental leave is used by the father to engage in a different work activity, it constitutes an abuse of the right for diversion from the function of the right, which can be assessed by the judge to determine the existence of a just cause for dismissal. It is not relevant that the performance of such activity contributes to a better organization of the family».
Therefore, the Court reaffirmed that parental leave, while being a right of the working parent, cannot be used for purposes unrelated to those for which it was established.
In conclusion, the abuse of parental leave justifies a dismissal, as it constitutes not only a serious violation of the employee’s duty of loyalty but also a behavior with clear social disvalue, in light of the social and economic costs involved.
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