DLP Insights

INAIL Technical Document on the containment of contagion in the workplace: companies struggling to start up again (Il Quotidiano del Lavoro de Il Sole 24 Ore, 27 April 2020 – Vittorio De Luca, Debhora Scarano)

Categories: DLP Insights, Publications | Tag: Contagio, luogo di lavoro, sicurezza sul lavoro, Coronavirus, fase 2, INAIL

27 Apr 2020

The health emergency caused by the spread of the Covid-19 virus also involved a real economic emergency.

As known, the “lock-down” and the measures with the aim to preventing the spread of the virus (according to Dpcm of 22 March 2020 )and extended until next 3 May 2020 (according to the Dpcm of 10 April 2020), has imposed the suspension of most (estimated at not less than 50%) of production activities.

In the coming days, Italy should start Phase 2, in which there will be a gradual restart.

In this complex situations that companies shoudl face, we are witnessing of a succession of cinterventions by institutions and bodies – at international, national and regional level  – aimed at drawing up guidelines containing prevention measures to reduce the spread of the virus in the workplace and to ensure a safe restart of business activities.

Just think of the “Covid-19: guidance for the workplace” published by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (Eu-Osha) and the “Technical document on the possible remodulation of measures to contain SARS-CoV-2 infection in the workplace and prevention strategies” published by INAIL currently submitted to the Government, which will use it as a further source on which to implement the next prevention measures for the expected Phase 2.

The aim of the Technical Document is to provide the political operator, and therefore ultimately the Government, with information of a statistical nature that is also useful for carrying out an assessment aimed at determining the levels of progressive priority of intervention on the resumption of productive activities during the often hoped-for Phase 2, as well as the intervention strategies to be implemented in the workplace.

Read the original italian version published by Il Quotidiano del Lavoro

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