Categories: Case Law
With judgment dated 17 July 2020, the Court of Florence has ruled that “article 36 of the Constitution limits itself to establish the principle of sufficiency and adequacy of the pay, regardless of any intersubjective comparison and that article 3 of the Constitution imposes the equality of citizens vis-à-vis the law and not also in ....
Categories: Do you know that
With judgment No. 150 lodged last 16 July, the Constitutional Court has declared article 4 of Legislative Decree No. 23 of 4 March 2015 constitutionally unlawful , with limitation to the words “for an amount equal to a monthly salary of the last pay of reference for calculating the severance pay for each year of ....
Categories: Legislation
Legislative Decree no. 34/2020 (so-called “Decreto Rilancio”) has been converted, with amendments, into Law no. 77 of July 17, 2020. The most significant innovations concerning the employment profiles introduced by Law 77/2020 are the following: A. Social shock absorbers The provisions of Legislative Decree no. 52/2020 regarding the use of the 4 additional weeks of ....
Categories: Publications
The COVID-19 emergency has awakened interest in remote or agile working, with the aim of limiting the spread of the virus and ensuring business continuity,. In the emergency phase a simplified mode of remote working has been introduced: until the end of the epidemiological state of emergency, the remote working may be activated even in ....
Categories: Publications
With the recent decision no. 1170 of 17 June, the Court of Cassation has provided interesting clarifications on the fourth paragraph of Article 18 of Law no. 300/70 (so called “Statuto dei Lavoratori”), a provision which – as is well known – provides for the reinstatement of an employee unlawfully dismissed if the claimed fact ....