Categories: Case Law
On 6 April 2020, the Supreme Court of Cassation handed down judgment No. 7703 on the legitimacy of a dismissal for just cause based on irregularities found in the reimbursement of expenses declared by a worker, where those irregularities are formally disputed after one year had elapsed. Called upon to rule on the need to ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Bologna, in its judgment No. 2759 of 23 April 2020, clarified the correct application and scope of Article 39 of Decree Law 17/2020 (so-called “Cura Italia Decree“), converted into Law 27/2020, stating that the disabled worker is entitled to carry out his/her job duties remotely (i.e. under the “remote working” regime). Facts ....
Categories: Do you know that
An amendment to the Liquidity Decree was approved in the House Committee on 21 May last, which relieves employers of any liability whatsoever in the event that employees should contract COVID-19 in the company, provided that the relevant protocols are followed. The amendment states, verbatim, that: “For the purposes of safeguarding against the risk of ....
Categories: Publications
The so called “Decreto Rilancio” provides with also rules relating to health and safety at work. First of all, to facilitate the phase of the business continuity and restart, Decreto Rilancio establish two tax credits in favor of the employer that carries out intervention in order to prevent the contagion and to limit the risk ....
Categories: Publications
The fragmented regulatory framework is creating long delays and difficulties for multi-localized companies in accessing the derogated social shock absorbers (in Italian “Cassa integrazione Guadagni in deroga”, CIGD). The regulatory framework imposes on these companies conditions that are incomprehensibly more restrictive and procedures more complex for access to social shock absorbers than, for example, for ....