DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Practice

INAIL conducted a study concerning the correct measures to adopt in the area of work organisation during the time of COVID-19 which later resulted in the “Technical document on the possible redesign of containment measures for SARS-CoV-2 in workplaces and strategies and prevention” (the “Technical Document”). The Technical Document is aimed at providing the political ....

Categories: Practice

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (Eu-Osha) intervened last 16 April concerning the “Health & Safety” management in workplaces to handle the emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, by publishing “Covid-19: guidance for the workplace”. This document contains a structured series of guidelines aimed at operating in “non-healthcare” work environments that takes ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with its ruling no. 7567 of 27 March 2020, observed that in the case of just cause the judge is required to verify the conduct the worker is charged with in all the objective and subjective aspects that compose it, regardless of the characterisation contained in the collective contract. Facts of ....

Categories: Do you know that

Urged by requests for protection from some bicycle couriers who proposed an emergency appeal, as per article 700 of the Code of Civil Procedures, the Court of Florence (Florence Labour Court 1 April 2020) first, and then Bologna’s (Bologna Labour Court 14 April 2020) ruled that food delivery platforms have an obligation to provide them ....

Categories: Publications

The health emergency caused by the spread of the Covid-19 virus also involved a real economic emergency. As known, the “lock-down” and the measures with the aim to preventing the spread of the virus (according to Dpcm of 22 March 2020 )and extended until next 3 May 2020 (according to the Dpcm of 10 April ....