DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Do you know that

Il diffondersi del nuovo virus COVID-19 (cd coronavirus) impone alle aziende di aggiornare il Documento di Valutazione dei rischi (cd DVR), tracciando il nuovo rischio biologico ad esso collegato. Ciò in quanto il datore di lavoro: (i) ai sensi dell’art. 2087 cod. civ., ha il dovere di apprestare tutte le misure di sicurezza al fine ....

Categories: Practice

The alarm generated by the rapid increase of the number of Coronavirus cases in the last few days, especially in Lombardy, has led the Government to implement extraordinary measures in order to limit the chance for the spread of outbreaks by means of Law Decree no. 6 of February 23, 2020 and the relevant implementing ....

Categories: Publications

With Decision No. 17 of 23 January 2020 and in imposing a sanction on an Italian University for not having properly protected the confidentiality of the identification data of two persons – the whistleblowers –, who had reported possible unlawful behaviours, the Italian Data Protection Authority has laid stress on the fact that an obligation ....

Categories: Publications

With order 1888 dated 28 January 2020, the Court of Cassation has ruled on a case of dismissal for unlawful justified objective grounds with the consequent reinstatement in the job based on article 18 of Law No. 300/1970 (in the text prior to the amendment brought about with Law No. 92/2012). By expressing a general ....

Categories: Practice

News regarding the spread of Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) require companies to take measures to prevent the risk of infection as far as possible, since, as it is known. In accordance with the Italian applicable law, the employer: – pursuant to article 2087 of the Italian Civil Code, has the duty to provide all security measures ....