DLP Insights

Categories: Publications

On March 17, 2020, the Italian Government has issued Law Decree no. 18\2020 (the “Decree”) concerning “measures to strengthen the national health service and provide economic support for families, workers and businesses related to the epidemiological emergency by COVID-19”. The Decree has extended to the entire national territory some extraordinary provisions concerning social security benefits, ....

Categories: Practice

On 14 March 2020, the Social Partners signed the Protocol for the regulation of measures to combat and contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus in the workplace. The Protocol contains the guidelines for the adoption by companies of security protocols in implementation of the provisions contained in the Prime Ministerial Decree of March 11, ....

Categories: Publications

The Italian Supreme Court has stated that the rules on employment apply to so-called riders. The issue of riders is affecting the courts at all latitudes of the world. In this regard, a decision has just been issued by the Superior Court of Madrid, which ruled that Spanish riders must be considered employees and therefore ....

Categories: Practice

With Circular No. 1/E of 12 February 2020, the Italian Revenue Agency provided further clarifications regarding the new provisions introduced by article 17-bis of the 2019 Tax Decree (Law No. 157 of 19 December 2019) on procurement contracts. Let us go into the details of the most important clarifications. Subjective sphere The Italian Revenue Agency, ....

Categories: Publications

The Court of Cassation, in its judgment no. 21537/2019, declared the unilateral termination of the applied NCBA by the employer before its natural expiry date unlawful, even if accompanied by adequate notice. This power lies solely with the signatories of the NCBA, i.e. the trade unions and employers’ associations. According to the Court of Cassation, ....