DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Publications

In its interesting judgement no. 8 of 2 January 2020, the Supreme Court ruled that, in view of the special nature of the governance of the invalidity of dismissal compared to the general governance of negotiated invalidity, the judge may not of his own motion find any reason for the dismissal to be invalid other ....

Categories: Practice

The Data Protection Authority, with “Measure no. 216 dated 4 December 2019“, confirmed an already consolidated position, according to which employers that keeps an employee’s company email account active after the termination of the employment contract and accesses the emails contained in the mailbox, commits an offence. The case A company used the labour court ....

Categories: Practice

The Central Directorate of Supervision, Legal Affairs and Litigation of the National Labour Inspectorate (“INL“), with note no. 9728 dated November 12, 2019, authorised the installation of an application on smartphones assigned to so-called Drivers, allowing for their geolocation during the delivery of goods. This is provided that the companies concerned are not RSAs or ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Appeal, Penal Section, with sentence 50919 of 17 December 2019, confirmed that the installation of video-surveillance systems, resulting in the remote control of workers’ activities, must be preceded by reaching a trade union agreement or, failing that, by obtaining administrative authorisation. The consent of the workers concerned is not sufficient. Facts of ....

Categories: Legislation

In Official Journal no. 304 dated 30 December 2019, Law no. 160 of 27 December 2019 was published. “Budget Law 2020“, in force since 1 January 2020. There is a great deal of news relating to labour and social security. News relating to labour and social security. One of the main innovations characterising the 2020 ....