DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Publications

The Court of Appeal, by ruling no. 25355 dated 9 October 2019, stated that employers that claim earnings from other work or sources to be deducted from the compensation due to employees are required to enclose specific factual circumstances and to provide timely specifications, proving general requests for evidence or requests for evidence for purely ....

Categories: Practice

INPS, with message no. 3359 of 17 September 2019, summarised and explained to the economic operators and their area offices, the principles established at the Supreme Court level regarding the compatibility between the ownership of corporate offices and/or the figure of the shareholder of corporations with a clear employment relationship. The message is based on ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, Fourth Criminal Section, with sentence no. 35934 of 9 August 2019 addressed the case of an accident involving an “off-the-books” worker. The Court of Cassation, confirming the decision regarding the substance, recognized both the liability of the legal representative of the company, in his capacity as employer, and the administrative liability ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Appeals of Milan, with sentence 908 of 2 September 2019, addressed the issue of the validity of the non-competition agreement subject to the right of option under Article 1331 of the Italian Civil Code for the employer. Facts of the case The case in question originates from the appeal filed by an ....

Categories: Do you know that

On September 10, 2019 Confcommercio and Manageritalia, following the agreement to extend the validity of the National Collective Labour Agreement for the Managers of Tertiary Companies last July 11, signed an Agreement Report regarding welfare and contractual bilateralism. Among the significant changes, it should be noted that, starting 10 September 2019, income deriving from stock ....