Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, with order 15557/2019, ruled that a contract can be considered genuine even if it describes in great detail the tasks that the workers involved will have to perform. This is because, for the purposes of integrating the case of illicit labour brokering, it is not sufficient either to provide an analytical ....
Categories: Case Law
With judgement of 14787/2019, the Court of Cassation once again handled the sensitive question of the timeliness of the disciplinary challenge with respect to the charge. In particular, the jurisprudential findings on the matter have been underlined, according to which the principle of the immediacy of the challenge of the charge and that of the ....
Categories: Do you know that
Law 58/2019 was published in the Official Journal 152 of 1 July 2019 containing the “Conversion into law, with modifications, of Decree Law no. 34 of 30 April 2019 (Editor’s Note so-called Growth Decree), containing urgent measures for economic growth and the resolution of specific crisis situations”. There are various innovations relating to labour and ....
Categories: Practice
The National Labour Inspectorate (“INL“), with note 5398/2019provided its opinion regarding a hypothesis of transnational posting of workers, carried out by a company established in an EU country in favour of its own production unit located in Italy. Case in question The inspectors objected to a case of non-authentic posting, pursuant to Article 3, ....
Categories: Publications
The Court of Cassation, by Ruling no. 18411 dated 9 July 2019, returned to analysing the delicate issue relating to the breach of the relationship of trust, following the abuse by the worker of the permits provided for by Law no. 104/1992. The case originates from the dismissal for just cause inflicted upon an employee ....