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Categories: Publications
The Court of Cassation, with judgment 16998 on 25 June 2019, returned to analyse the judgment annulling the resignation in regards the salary arrears accrued in the period between the resignation annulment and the judgment itself. The case originates from legal proceedings to cancel a resignation brought about by a worker who claimed to have ....
Categories: Publications
The Criminal Division of the Court of Cassation, by judgment 18842/2019, referring to the case law of the Joint Divisions, has again ruled on the subject of administrative liability of entities. Specifically, the Court of Cassation has affirmed that it is the responsibility of the entity – once it has ascertained that certain offences have ....
Categories: Do you know that
In the Official Gazette of 17 June 2019, the 55/2019 law was published converting Decree 31/2019 (c.d. Decree “Reopening Construction Sites”), which amended art. 2477 of the Italian Civil Code, already amended by art. 379 of the Corporate Code (Legislative Decree no. 14/2019). In so doing, thresholds for the obligation to appoint statutory auditors and ....
Categories: Practice
The INPS, with circular 63 of 9 May 2019, provided: clarifications on payment of contributions for salaries exceeding the annual maximum for contributions and base pensions, as well as on the limitation period for reimbursement claims; operating instructions on the recovery of undue contribution, not prescribed, and on the management in the Uniemens flow of ....
Categories: Case Law
The Supreme Court of Cassation, Work Section, with sentence 13534 of 20 May 2019, declared a dismissal for just cause of an employee who had reacted to being slapped by a colleague, to be lawful. Facts and previous judgments A sales employee, reacting to being slapped in the face by a colleague became involved in ....