Categories: Case Law
The Court of Rome, Labour Section, by ruling of 6 May 2019, has discussed hetero-organized contracts of collaboration, developing further the direction of the jurisprudence that arose in relation to art. 2 of Legislative Decree. 81/2015 on the occasion of the so-called ” Foodora case”. The facts The dispute in question concerned the collaboration between ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, by judgment no. 12174 dated 8 May 2019, ruled on art. 3, paragraph 2, of the Legislative Decree. 23/2015 stating, “the non-existence of the disputed material fact toward the worker, with respect to whom any assessment regarding the disproportion of the dismissal remains extraneous, includes not only the cases in which ....
Categories: Publications
On 15 May 2019, by order no. 13025, The Supreme Court returned to deal with the right of the judgment of first instance established pursuant to Article 1 (51) Law no. 92/2012 (“Fornero’s Law”) to be recognized in the second phase (so-called opposition phase). The Court of Cassation has observed that the opposition phase must ....
Categories: Publications
The sustainable approach to investments is increasingly the benchmark for virtuous entrepreneurs, who place sustainability issues at the center of their entrepreneurial decisions. This is also increasingly the case in relation to the management of their own staff. An indication of this has also come from the Excellence & Innovation HR Award, the prize for ....
Categories: Publications
With order no. 10043 of 10 April 2019, the Italian Court of Cassation again ruled on the requirements that need to be met for a series of actions taken by an employer to constitute mobbing, in the case reported by a manager who had declared himself to have been the victim of behaviour presented as ....