Categories: Publications
In judgment no. 32412 of 22 November 2023, the Italian Court of Cassation dealt with the lawfulness of a dismissal by the formal employer of a worker employed under a sham outsourcing contract. A worker brought legal proceedings to obtain a declaration of the existence of an employment relationship with the principal company, and that, ....
Categories: On focus, Publications
On Wednesday 24 April 2024, MEPs adopted the text of the new Directive on the working conditions of platform workers. As can be learned from the press release published on the Parliament’s institutional website, the Directive “aim[s] to ensure that platform workers have their employment status classified correctly and to correct bogus self-employment”by introducing “a ....
Categories: Legislation
By order no. 10734 of 22 April 2024, the Italian Court of Cassation ruled that, in the event of a failed conciliation attempt, as required under Article 7 of Italian Law no. 604/1966 in the case of dismissal for justified objective reasons of workers hired before March 2015, the employer is not required to send ....
Categories: Do you know that
A non-compete agreement which is conditional upon the preservation of the original duties introduces an element of vagueness that undermines the entire agreement. This principle was confirmed by the Italian Court of Cassation in order no. 10679 of 19 April 2024. In this case, the non-compete agreement provided that if the employee’s duties changed during ....
An employee dismissed for drug trafficking has been reinstated and compensated. The drug related conviction occurred in the past and pre-dated the employment, when the company took over the staff from the outgoing company after taking over a contract held under a public administration tender. The Italian Court of Cassation, employment division, by order no. ....