DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Do you know that

Since 1 January 2017 companies in the metalworking and mechanical engineering sector have been required, every three years, to provide workers employed under permanent contracts with continuing professional development courses of a duration of 24 hours per participant, within their working hours and according to the procedures identified by Fondimpresa [Italian Inter-Professional Fund for Continuing ....

Categories: Legislation

Draft law no. 726 (the “DL”), which introduces significant changes to Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 (the “Decree”) governing administrative liability for legal persons, companies and associations, including those not recognized as a legal entity (“Entities” or individually the “Entity”), is currently being examined by the Justice Commission of the Italian Senate.   The administrative ....

Categories: Practice

The increases provided for by the 2019 Italian Budget Law   Article 1, paragraph 445, of the 2019 Italian Budget Law concerns increases to the penalties for measures affecting the protection of workers’ interests and dignity. According to the provisions in question, the values of the following penalties, in the context of employment and social ....

Categories: Publications

Contribution of De Luca & Partners on human resources as a sustainability objective. The HR is expected to have an increasingly substantial impact, as it can focus the whole organisation on ESG criteria. A sustainability trend was also identified in the projects that competed in the first edition of the Excellence & Innovation HR Award, ....

Categories: Practice

On 16 November 2018, the European Data Protection Board (“EDPB”) – the EU body that replaced the previous so-called WP29, in charge of the consistent application of the Regulation 2016/679/EU (“GDPR” or “Regulation”) and consisting of the person in charge of each data protection authority and the European Data Protection Authority – adopted a new ....