Categories: Case Law
The Labour Division of the Supreme Court of Cassation, with ruling no. 29377 dated 14 November 2018, deemed lawful, within the context of a collective dismissal – because of its objective nature – the criterion of choice represented by meeting the requirements to access the pension. The Facts An employee brought his case ....
Categories: Do you know that
By laws no. 136 of December 17th, 2018 (so called “Fiscal Decree”) and no. 145 of December 30th, 2018 (so called “2019 Budget Law”), several news in the field of labour and social security law have been introduced. The main changes in the two laws mentioned above are as follows: the tax credit for ....
Categories: Legislation
Following the resolution of the EU Parliament dated 24 October 2017, aimed at adopting a Directive on whistleblowing, the Committee, on 23 April 2018, formulated a text proposal, which was approved by the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament on 20 November 2018. Upon approval, the Directive would provide Member States time until ....
Categories: Practice
On 21 December 2018, the National Association for Labour Agencies (Assolavoro) and the industry unions (Felsa, CISL, Nidil, CIGL, UIL Temp) signed a draft for the renewal of the national collective bargaining agreement for the Staff Leasing Agencies Sector (the “Draft”) Let’s review some of the main new developments. Provisions to favour the occupational continuity ....
Categories: Practice
On 16 November 2018, the European Data Protection Board (“EDPB”) – the EU body that replaced the previous so-called WP29, in charge of the consistent application of the Regulation 2016/679/EU (“GDPR” or “Regulation”) and consisting of the person in charge of each data protection authority and the European Data Protection Authority – adopted a new ....