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Categories: Publications
Dismissal ordered due to elapsing of the grace period must be ordered without delay. This was the ruling of the Court of Cassation with judgement no. 29402 dated 15 November 2018. The legal proceedings originated from the legal action brought forth after a dismissal ordered for elapsing of the sick leave grace period established by ....
Categories: Do you know that
In the operative part of judgment 194/2018 issued on 8 November 2018, the Constitutional Court has ruled that art. 3, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 23/2015 (governing open-ended employment contracts with increasing protections) is constitutionally unlawful when it links the amount of severance indemnity (for that part not modified by the Dignity Decree) payable to ....
Categories: Legislation
The draft 2019 Budget law was checked and approved by the State General Accounting Office on 31 October 2018 and – following the Chamber of Deputies’ publication of a package of amendments on 12 November 2018 – is now awaiting final approval by the Parliament. The analysis of the checked and approved draft – ....
Categories: Practice
In its circular No. 17 of 31 October 2018, the Ministry of Labour has provided the first operational instructions on the application of Decree Law No. 87 of 12 July 2018, now converted into Law No. 96 of 9 August 2018 (“Dignity Decree”) a) New rules for fixed-term contracts First of all, the circular has ....
Categories: Practice
Last October, the Data Protection Authority provided a range of significant clarifications on two of the main requirements – extremely important aspects of accountability – introduced with European Regulation 679/2016 on data protection and privacy (“Regulation”): (i) the Data Processing Register, in response to the FAQs published on 8 October on the Data Protection Authority’s ....