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Categories: Do you know that
The Ministry of Labour, with press release no. 19 of 17 September 2018, informed all those concerned that the Council of Ministers approved (specifically, on 13 September 2018) a decree enacting measures concerning some of the most urgent matters for the country, including the reinstatement of the extraordinary wages guarantee fund for discontinuation of business ....
Categories: Publications
With its judgment no. 21569 of 3 September 2018, the Court of Cassation ruled on the consequences of disciplinary dismissal after expiry of the term set out in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The ruling originated from the appeal brought by a worker against his dismissal enforced after expiry of the term of 10 days set ....
Categories: Publications
Con sentenza 17 agosto 2018, n. 20761, la Corte di cassazione, Sezione Lavoro, è tornata ad occuparsi del licenziamento per superamento del periodo di comporto, confermando il proprio orientamento sui potenziali vizi formali che potrebbero inficiarne la validità. Nello specifico – tra le ragioni del ricorso – il lavoratore aveva denunciato la falsa applicazione delle ....
Categories: Publications
The Court of Cassation with judgement No. 17978 dated 9 July 2018 established that: – recognition of compensation for non-material damages is not automatic in the case of a “demotion” if it is not adequately proven; – when the employee alleges a demotion associated to a breach by the employer to meet the obligation established ....
Categories: Practice
The National Labour Inspectorate (INL), with its Note No. 6316 dated 18 July 2018 provided its opinion regarding the legal nature of the offence related to failure to hire disabled individuals or individuals belonging to the protected categories as per art. 15, paragraph 4, of the law No. 68/1999. According to INL the aforementioned offence ....