Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Practice
The National Labour Inspectorate (INL), with its Note No. 6316 dated 18 July 2018 provided its opinion regarding the legal nature of the offence related to failure to hire disabled individuals or individuals belonging to the protected categories as per art. 15, paragraph 4, of the law No. 68/1999. According to INL the aforementioned offence ....
Categories: Practice
In reference to the so called Riders – a hot topic that has heated up recent public debates after a few case law rulings and the “exchange” of opinions between the government and several companies operating in the delivery service sector – employers organisations Confetra, Fedit, Confartigianato Trasporti, Cna Fita, Casartigiani, Claai and workers’ unions ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, with ruling No. 17358 dated 3 July 2018 has issued another ruling on the dismissal ordered for failure to successfully pass the trial period and on the protections applicable when the employer’s withdrawal is unlawful if ordered on the incorrect assumption of the validity of the related agreement. In the case ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation with ruling No. 15523/2018 had the opportunity to clarify, once again, a few important cases concerning a dismissal ordered upon conclusion of disciplinary proceedings pursuant to art. 7 of the Law No. 300/1970. The judges of the Court of Cassation, in fact, returned to explore the heavy and controversial matter of ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, with ruling No. 19731 dated 25 July 2018 has recently expressed its opinion on the repêchage obligation. In the case in question, an employee had filed a law suite against the dismissal ordered by the company due to closing down of the department where he worked, stating that the dismissal was ....