DLP Insights

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation with ruling No. 15523/2018 had the opportunity to clarify, once again, a few important cases concerning a dismissal ordered upon conclusion of disciplinary proceedings pursuant to art. 7 of the Law No. 300/1970. The judges of the Court of Cassation, in fact, returned to explore the heavy and controversial matter of ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with ruling No. 19731 dated 25 July 2018 has recently expressed its opinion on the repêchage obligation. In the case in question, an employee had filed a law suite against the dismissal ordered by the company due to closing down of the department where he worked, stating that the dismissal was ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with ruling No. 16571/2018 has once again returned  – confirming an already consolidated trend in legal literature and case law concerning lawfulness – on the topic of reclassification of the apprenticeship relationship in an employment relation under an open term contract, if the employer’s obligations to provide training was breached. In ....

Categories: Case Law

With two “twin” rulings (No. 19863 and No.  20620, the latter filed on 7 August), the Court of Cassation had the opportunity to express its opinion on the rules governing collective dismissals linked to corporate demergers. In the case in question, a company had performed a partial demerger – by assigning to two newly incorporate ....

Categories: Do you know that

Official Gazette No. 186 dated 11 August 2018 has published the conversion law (Law No. 96) of Law Decree 87 (the so called Dignity Decree), entered into force on 14 July. Major changes have been applied to the fixed term contract. In particular, a fixed term contract can be entered into without reason for 12 ....