DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Publications

As established by the Budget Law 2018 (Law No. 205/17), effective 1st July, employers and private clients will have to pay to their workers wages/remunerations and any advance through traceable means. It will no longer be possible to pay by cash and this independently of the type of work relationship established. The law is clearly ....

Categories: Do you know that

From 1st July 2018, employers and principals are obliged to pay remuneration, compensation and any related advance payment, through traceable means of payment, i.e. bank transfer with IBAN code indicated by the worker, electronic payment instruments, payment in cash at banks or post offices where the employer/principal has opened a treasury account with a mandate ....

Categories: Case Law

With its order No. 14242/2018, the Court of Cassation was requested to rule on the existence of non-patrimonial damage in case of unlawful data processing. In particular, the dispute under the close examination of Court of Cassation concerned the order to transfer a Customs Agency employee after commencement of an investigation by the Public Prosecutor’s ....

Categories: Case Law

With its judgment No. 15094 of 11 June 2018, the Court of Cassation has stated that the controls carried out through an investigation agency (or security guards) may in no way concern the fulfilment or the breach of the contractual obligation, but must only limit themselves at ascertaining the carrying out of unlawful acts carried ....

Categories: Legislation

The first decree law on employment contracts is already ready on the table of the Council of Ministers, that is the so-called Dignity Decree, which could be approved in the month of July. Amongst the main new developments, one may find the reform of fixed-term contracts, aimed at fostering the entering into of indefinite employment ....