Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Interviews
Vittorio De Luca in this interview (in English) explains the major advantages related to the world of work in Lombardy for foreign investors interested in accessing the region. Flexibility for businesses, new tools for the resolution of conflicts, and better foreseeability of the costs of “separating” company and employee are some of the advantages in ....
Categories: Publications
The European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data is entering into force. Starting from 25 May , 2018, the European Regulation will be fully operative, introducing many news on the matter of privacy; news that companies will have to deal with on a daily basis. First of all, the accountability principle is introduced: more ....
Categories: Publications
Con la sentenza n. 7581 del 27 marzo 2018, la Corte di cassazione è tornata ad occuparsi della discussa questione del cd. diritto di accesso agli atti nell’ambito di un procedimento disciplinare. Nel caso di specie, i giudici di merito avevano ritenuto illegittimo il licenziamento intimato ad un dipendente per aver svolto altra attività lavorativa, ....
Categories: Case Law
The Supreme Court (judgement no. 6608/2018) stated that the typing of just cause for dismissal listed in the collective agreements are as an example and are not necessarily binding, having therefore the Court the power to expand or to circumscribe the extent to disciplinary purposes. Within its powers, therefore, the Judge, in the opinion of ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation with judgement no. 5523 filed on 8 March 2018, has dealt inter alia with the issue of the validity of a dismissal for just cause imposed on the basis of the contents of a few emails sent from the email address of a worker recipient of the dismissal and therefore of ....