DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Do you know that

The Data Processor pursuant to Article 28 of the Personal Data Protection Code (the EU “GDPR”) is an external party that processes personal data on behalf of the Data Controller. The Data Processor must be appointed by way of a contract/legal deed that binds it to the Controller. The Data Processor is expressly obliged to ....

Categories: Legislation

On 22 March 2018, the Council of Ministers has approved the draft legislative decree laying down provisions on the adaptation of the national laws to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (the “Regulation”). The draft legislative decree peremptorily sets out that ....

Categories: Practice

Last 9 March, Italian Trade Unions Confindustria, Cgil, Cisl and Uil, after years of unsuccessful attempts, have signed the so-called “Patto di Fabbrica”, which sets out a framework of shared rules on bargaining, industrial relations, representativeness, welfare and corporate security. The main objective of the Agreement is to modernize and newly define the industrial relations ....

Categories: Practice

The Data Protection Authority, on 26 March 2018, published on its official website a series of clarifications regarding the appointment and duties of the Data Protection Officer (“DPO”). In particular, the Authority listed all the persons obliged to appoint a DPO pursuant to Article 37 (1), b) and c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and underlined ....

Categories: Publications

Il 25 maggio 2018 diventerà pienamente applicabile il Regolamento Europeo n. 679 del 2016 sulla protezione dei dati personali (“GDPR”). Ciò determinerà una uniformità della disciplina in materia di trattamento dei dati personali su tutto il territorio europeo. In tal senso, in Italia è stato approvato, in via preliminare, uno schema di decreto che abroga ....