DLP Insights

Categories: Case Law

In Judgment no. 1712/2017, the Milan Court of Appeal has dealt with the issue of the omission by the employer of the annual objectives linked to the payment of a bonus. In this case, in the Court’s opinion, the employee claiming payment of the bonus is encumbered with the burden of “… producing and proving ....

Categories: Do you know that

In regard to collective dismissals occurred in the “January 2018” pay period, the employers are subject to payment, by next March 16th, of the “first” dismissal bonus increase. Given that the NASPI (Social Insurance for Employment) monthly limit in 2018 is equal to Euro 1,208.15 for each twelve months of employment seniority, the contribution to ....

Categories: Practice

In Circular Letter no. 5 of 19 February 2018, the National Labour Inspectorate provided further operating provisions on the “new” Article 4, Workers’ Statute. In particular, the Inspectorate specified that, due to actual reasons of control, a video surveillance system may also monitor the workers without any limitations as to the camera angle, the blacking ....

Categories: Publications

With judgement of the Court of Cassation No. 1574 dated January 23 2018, the liability according to article 2049 of the Civil Code regarding accidents in the workplace has been confirmed to fall on the transferee company with consequent reimbursement of damages, given that it is the entity that undertook direction and control of the ....

Categories: Publications

On 29 December 2017 the so-called Whistleblowing law has entered into force and it has been published on the Official Gazette No. 179 dated 14 December 2017 after having been approved on 30 November. The law, which comprises only three articles, has the specific goal of introducing protection measures in our legislation, for employees (public ....