Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Publications
On 25 May, 2018, the European Regulation on the protection of personal data will become fully operative. The Regulation has the primary goal of harmonizing the protection system in terms of privacy at the European level, focusing on the concept of accountability of the Data Controller (in this case, the individual company). This concept entails ....
Categories: Publications
Dopo un lungo inter parlamentare, durato quasi due anni, il 15 novembre 2017, la Camera dei Deputati ha approvato il disegno di legge n. 2208 che disciplina il cosiddetto whistleblowing. La necessità di adottare tale provvedimento era stata sollecitata, ormai da tempo, da...
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Brescia, with its judgement dated 3 November 2017, has declared lawful a dismissal ordered to a female employee due to her failure to successfully overcome the probation period. In particular, the employee claimed that probation period agreement attached to the job contract was void due to the undefined tasks assigned, since she ....
Categories: Do you know that
The House Assembly, on 15 November 2017, approved a bill that includes rules for the protection of employees or contractors who disclose illegal actions of which they become aware during the work relationship (the so-called whistleblowing). In the specific case, the whistleblowing employee cannot be punished, dismissed, demoted or subjected to any other retaliatory or ....
Categories: Practice
Effective from 15 November 2017 employers that signed individual smart working agreements must comply with the mandatory notifications. In fact, art. 23 of the Law 81/2017 expressly establishes that the agreement on smart work be subjected to the “notifications detailed in article 9-bis of the Law Decree No. 510 dated 1 October 1996, converted, with ....