DLP Insights

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with judgement No. 23697, filed on 10 October 2017, confirmed the consolidated case law trend according to which a top manager, who, even if having the power of self-assigning the vacation period, does not exercise such power, is entitled only to a substitutive allowance for vacation days for the current year, ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with judgement No. 25147/2017, stated that dismissal of an employee who copies confidential corporate data on a personal pen drive, without the employer authorisation, is legitimate, even if this information is not disclosed to third parties.  This is because the violation of contractual duties also occurs when a particular conduct, even ....

Categories: Do you know that

Dismissal due to personnel reduction or dismissal for justified objective reasons exercised against a compulsorily employed worker, pursuant to Art. 10, paragraph 4, of Law No. 68/1999, can be voided if, at termination of the employment relationship, the mandatory quota pertaining to the remaining employed workforce is not met.

Categories: Legislation

During the meeting held on 18 October 2017, the Senate approved with amendments, draft law No. 2208/2016, containing provisions for the protection of whistleblowers reporting offences or irregularities of which they became aware within a public or private employment relationship (the so-called whistleblowing). Concerning the private sector, the draft law establishes amendments to Legislative Decree ....

Categories: Practice

The renewal of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement (CCNL) for small and medium sized metalworker and plant installation businesses signed on 4 July by the Unionmeccanica Confapi and the Fiom-Cgil, Fim-Cisl and Uilm-Uil trade unions has been ratified. The contract, whose official signature occurred on 21 October, was signed following the employees’ consultations occurred on ....