DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Practice

The Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, by decree dated 12 September, defined the criteria and methods of use of financial resources assigned to private sector employers that may have established in their company collective bargaining agreements provisions for balancing the professional and private life of employees. This is a tax relief issued to implement ....

Categories: Publications

“Industrial Relations Law across the World” came to be thanks to the work carried out by a dozen of professional experts from various countries, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the firm. The volume, published by Wolters Kluwer and coordinated by De Luca & Partners, analyses the current frameworks and trends that are ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with judgement No. 23846 filed on 11 October 2017, intervened on the qualification of a self-employment relationship as employment. In the specific case, the Court of Cassation stated that subjugation to managerial and disciplinary power cannot be an exclusive criterion to determine whether employment is or is not occurring. This is ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with judgement No. 23408 filed on 06 October 2017, stated that there is no obligation for the employer when initiating disciplinary proceedings against one of its employee responsible for a breach to make available to him/her the corporate documentation on which the dispute is based. This is because, as part of ....

Categories: Publications

With judgment dated 5 September 2017, in the case Barbulescu vs. Romania (No. 61496/08), the Grande Chambre of the European Court of Human Rights reversed the previous ruling of the European Court of Human Rights dated 12 January 2016 on the matter of the right to privacy in correspondence, considering it, at the contrary, a ....