DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Do you know that

Dismissal due to personnel reduction or dismissal for justified objective reasons exercised against a compulsorily employed worker, pursuant to Art. 10, paragraph 4, of Law No. 68/1999, can be voided if, at termination of the employment relationship, the mandatory quota pertaining to the remaining employed workforce is not met.

Categories: Legislation

During the meeting held on 18 October 2017, the Senate approved with amendments, draft law No. 2208/2016, containing provisions for the protection of whistleblowers reporting offences or irregularities of which they became aware within a public or private employment relationship (the so-called whistleblowing). Concerning the private sector, the draft law establishes amendments to Legislative Decree ....

Categories: Practice

The renewal of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement (CCNL) for small and medium sized metalworker and plant installation businesses signed on 4 July by the Unionmeccanica Confapi and the Fiom-Cgil, Fim-Cisl and Uilm-Uil trade unions has been ratified. The contract, whose official signature occurred on 21 October, was signed following the employees’ consultations occurred on ....

Categories: Practice

The Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, by decree dated 12 September, defined the criteria and methods of use of financial resources assigned to private sector employers that may have established in their company collective bargaining agreements provisions for balancing the professional and private life of employees. This is a tax relief issued to implement ....

Categories: Publications

With judgment dated 5 September 2017, in the case Barbulescu vs. Romania (No. 61496/08), the Grande Chambre of the European Court of Human Rights reversed the previous ruling of the European Court of Human Rights dated 12 January 2016 on the matter of the right to privacy in correspondence, considering it, at the contrary, a ....