DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Practice

On 3 July 2017, the draft renewal of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for SMEs in the engineering industry was signed by Unionemeccanica, Fim, Fiom and Uilm and involves about 300 thousand workers. The draft specifies that (i) the Agreement will last four years and expire on 31 October 2020; (ii) the contractual increases will be ....

Categories: Practice

The Personal Data Protection Authority issued Order no. 247/2017 in response to a request for preliminary verification, lodged by a company working in the field of refuse collection and concerning a system of geolocation installed on vehicles and mobile equipment used by employees. The aim of this system was to ensure a safer, more organised ....

Categories: Case Law

The Bologna Employment Tribunal, with its decision no. 734 of 7 July 2017 under Art. 1 of Italian Law no. 92/201, confirmed the order issued during the summary case hearing and declared as lawful the dismissal for just cause of an employee who had been absent from work for a continuous period of 3 weeks, ....

Categories: Case Law

With its decision no. 15204 of 20 June 2017, the Court of Cassation intervened in the subject of the disciplinary dismissal of a senior executive without prior application of the procedure referred to in Art. 7 of Italian Law no. 300/1970. The Supreme Court referred to some recent pronouncements, including Plenary Sitting decisions (Cass. No. ....

Categories: Publications

The total number of people employed in Lombardy has reached a total of 4 million units, thus exhibiting a...