Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Publications
È opinione comune, avallata da interpretazioni anche autorevoli, che il licenziamento motivato dalle performance insoddisfacenti del prestatore di lavoro sia pressoché impraticabile...
Categories: Interviews
With the elimination of vouchers and the obligation to dispose of those already purchased, companies are finding themselves at a crossroads this summer. What contract type is best to adopt to legally hire seasonal workers? “This summer the companies are already looking at solutions that entail doing without vouchers”, stated Vittorio De Luca, Managing Partner ....
Categories: Publications
Il modello di organizzazione, gestione e controllo ha, fra gli altri, lo scopo di tutelare l’integrità psicofisica del lavoratore impiegato all’interno di una società. Non per nulla, a seguito dell’introduzione del D.Lgs. 81/08, il legislatore ha arricchito il catalogo dei reati presupposto della responsabilità amministrativa degli enti, facendovi rientrare le ipotesi di omicidio colposo e ....
Categories: Legislation
With the final approval of the so called Self-employment Jobs Act – currently pending publication in the Official Gazette – a reform of the Italian laws has been introduced with the goal of providing financial-social protection to self-employed individuals that do not carry out their activity through a business. From a financial protection standpoint, the ....
Categories: Legislation
With the main goal of balancing private life and work, DDL 2233-B has been approved in its final version, which, in fact, governs the so-called remote work, that is the type of work performed outside of the employer’s premises and without specific requirements in terms of working hours. The intrinsic characteristics of remote work clearly ....