DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Publications

Competitività, innovazione e conciliazione dei tempi di vita e lavoro, il tutto in sicurezza: sono questi i capisaldi della nuova...

Categories: Case Law

The Lombardy Territorial Court, with judgement No. 33/33/17, confirmed that the indemnity paid to a manager consequently to unfair dismissal challenged judicially and settled (the Industry Executives National Collective Bargaining Agreement applied to this specific case) is not compensatory in nature and is thus subject to taxation. As a matter of fact, this indemnity may ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with judgement No. 475, filed on 11 January 2017, intervened in the matter of dismissal of working mothers, stating once again that dismissal ordered to a working mother at the beginning of the pregnancy until her child is one year old is void and ineffective. In the specific case, the Court ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Milan, with judgement No. 730 dated 8 April 2017, ruled again on the matter of applicable protection in the event of a voided probation clause for those who are hired under a contract with growing protections. In the matter in hand, a female worker was notified of termination due to failed passing ....

Categories: Do you know that

Law decree No. 25 has been converted into Law No. 49 dated 20 April with which, among other things, on the topic of tender contracts, the benefit of prior discussion of the main debtor (introduced in 2012) has been abolished. Therefore, the client may be attacked even before the contractor for any wage claims, social ....