Categories: Case Law
The Court of Milan, with judgement No. 730 dated 8 April 2017, ruled again on the matter of applicable protection in the event of a voided probation clause for those who are hired under a contract with growing protections. In the matter in hand, a female worker was notified of termination due to failed passing ....
Categories: Do you know that
Law decree No. 25 has been converted into Law No. 49 dated 20 April with which, among other things, on the topic of tender contracts, the benefit of prior discussion of the main debtor (introduced in 2012) has been abolished. Therefore, the client may be attacked even before the contractor for any wage claims, social ....
Categories: Legislation
On 30 March 2017, Legislative Decree No. 38/2017, related to the fight against bribery and corruption in the private sector has been approved. This piece of legislation extends the range of active subjects committing the offence as detailed in art. 2635 of the civil code, including – in addition to those that hold actual key ....
Categories: Legislation
On 19 April 2017, the President of the Council of Ministers signed the decree implementing the so-called “Ape sociale”. This is an experimental measure, effective from 1 May 2017 to 31 December 2018, designed to accompany to retirement disadvantaged workers or those who are under conditions of distress. In particular, the workers who can benefit ....
Categories: Practice
As known, with decree No. 25/2017, approved in March by the Government and converted into law by Parliament (law No. 49/2017), the regulation regarding casual work has been repealed and, consequently, the abrogative referendum has been cancelled. INPS, with message No. 1652 dated 14 April 2017, has thus issued instructions to guide the operators in ....