Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Publications
La lotta alla corruzione nel settore privato subisce un importante assesto grazie alla pubblicazione, lo scorso 30 marzo, del D.Lgs. 38/17. La novella normativa ha ampliato la platea dei soggetti attivi autori di reato passibili di sanzione, includendovi, accanto agli amministratori, direttori generali e dirigenti anche i dipendenti che svolgono attività lavorativa con l’esercizio di ....
Categories: Publications
Lo scorso 28 febbraio è iniziato l’esame al Senato del Ddl n. 2208, recante disposizioni per la tutela degli autori di segnalazioni di reati...
Categories: Do you know that
Pursuant to article 2103 of the Italian Civil Code as recently reformed, the employer can enter into an individual settlement agreement with the employee – to be signed in front of public authorities – providing for the change of the duties, the legal category of employment and the contractual enrollment as well as the relevant ....
Categories: Legislation
Italian Law decree No. 25 dated 17 March 2017, published on the Official Gazette, has revoked the regulations on ancillary work, voiding completely the instrument already weakened by the latest legislative interventions applied by the amendments to the Jobs Act. Now new legislative policy instruments will have to be designed to fight unreported employment and ....
Categories: Legislation
The Chamber, in the session dated 9 March 2017, has approved the Italian Draft Law detailing measures for the protection of non-entrepreneurial self-employment and measures aimed at favouring the flexibility in terms of time and place for employed work (the so called remote working). The provision now is sent back to the Senate for final approval. ....