Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Publications
La lotta alla corruzione nel settore privato subisce un importante assesto grazie alla pubblicazione, lo scorso 30 marzo, del D.Lgs. 38/17. La novella normativa ha ampliato la platea dei soggetti attivi autori di reato passibili di sanzione, includendovi, accanto agli amministratori, direttori generali e dirigenti anche i dipendenti che svolgono attività lavorativa con l’esercizio di ....
Categories: Publications
Lo scorso 28 febbraio è iniziato l’esame al Senato del Ddl n. 2208, recante disposizioni per la tutela degli autori di segnalazioni di reati...
Categories: Practice
On 21 February 2017, SMI (Sistema Moda Italiana) and the professional trade unions (Femca-Cisl, Filctem-Cgil, Uiltec-Uil) signed a draft renewal agreement of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Textile, Apparel and Fashion sector. The new contract is effective from 1 April 2016 – therefore without interruption respect to the previous National Collective Bargaining Agreement ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, with judgement No. 7166 dated 21 March 2017 has once again deliberated on the subject matter of disciplinary dismissal. In this specific case, the employee, holding the position of emergency technical manager was dismissed after a disciplinary proceeding for having refused to respond to two subsequent support calls respectively for a ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Milan, with judgement No. 3370, filed on 16 December 2016, has stated that the employer, in case of dismissal for financial reasons, in verifying whether to assign the employee to other tasks within the company (the so called repêchage obligation) cannot limit itself to tasks equivalent to the ones performed by the ....