DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Legislation

Italian Law decree No. 25 dated 17 March 2017, published on the Official Gazette, has revoked the regulations on ancillary work, voiding completely the instrument already weakened by the latest legislative interventions applied by the amendments to the Jobs Act. Now new legislative policy instruments will have to be designed to fight unreported employment and ....

Categories: Interviews

Vittorio De Luca talks about the main effects of the Jobs Act that through the new changes introduced in the matter of flexibility at end of employment, which reduce the possibilities of reintegration and introduce financial compensation, has indeed revolutionised the job market in Italy. According to the statistics of the Ministry “of Justice, lawsuits ....

Categories: Publications

Il D.lgs. 136/2016, entrato in vigore lo scorso 22 luglio, ha recepito nel nostro ordinamento le disposizioni comunitarie in materia di distacco dei lavoratori nell’ambito di una prestazione di servizi. Il decreto, che ha abrogato il vecchio D. lgs. 72/2000, racchiude infatti in un unico testo le norme volte ad attuare sia la direttiva 96/71/CE ....

Categories: Practice

On 19 January 2017, following the successful outcome of the certified workers’ consultation, the Renewal of the National Labour Collective Agreement for the private metalworking sector and mechanical engineering and plant installation sector was officially signed and therefore now fully effective. On that occasion, the Parties also defined the contractual text concerning the gross non-recurrent ....