DLP Insights

Categories: Case Law

With judgement dated 17 October 2017 the Labour Division of Milan Court dismissed the appeal filed by a former employee of one our Clients, who had taken legal action against the Company to obtain a ruling against her dismissal for just cause, with the consequences set forth by section 8 of Law no. 604/1966. With ....

Categories: Case Law

With ruling no. 19557 dated 30 September 2016, the Supreme Court stated that in the case of a foreign company with a branch office in Italy – in order to determine whether or not the size requisite for application of section 18 of Law no. 300/1970 in the event of unfair dismissal applies – only ....

Categories: Case Law

With judgement no. 22127 dated 2 November 2016, the Supreme Court of Appeal once again pronounced itself on the interpretation of the non ultra petita rule with respect to the charge filed and the charge on which the disciplinary action is based. In the case in question, a worker did not go to work because ....

Categories: Case Law

Criminal Division III of the Supreme Court of Appeal, with ruling no. 45198 dated 26 October 2016, first reiterated that in accordance with clause 4 of the Workers’ Statute (prior to the Jobs Act) the use of remote control systems to monitor work is not permitted, and that such equipment may only be installed in ....

Categories: Do you know that

Ministerial Decree dated 10 August 2016, which defines the operative standards and rules for the electronic transmission of notices from foreign companies who second workers in Italy, went into force on 27 October 2016. More specifically, within 24 hours from the day before the starting date of the secondment, the foreign company must e-mail the ....