Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Legislation
The remote working bill, approved by the Senate and which is now before the Chamber of Deputies, contains important novelties that may simplify this distance working method considerably. On the question of workplace accidents and occupational diseases, protection for employees against risks associated with services provided outside the company premises will be increased and the concept ....
Categories: Legislation
Law no. 199 dated 29 October 2016, which amends illegal intermediation and exploitation of work set forth by section 603-bis of the Italian Criminal Code was published in edition 257 of the Official Gazette on 3 November 2016, just five years after its introduction in the Criminal Code by Law no. 148/2011. The amendments went ....
Categories: Practice
The Draft Agreement for the renewal of the National Collective Labour Agreement for the private metalworking and mechanical engineering industry and installation of plants for the four-year period 2016-2019 was signed on 26 November 2016. The main novelties of the agreement include: (i) recognition, as from January 2017, of ex-post rather than ex-ante inflation year-over-year, ....
Categories: Practice
The newly created National Labour Inspectorate has assumed a position on the interpretation to give to the new clause 4 of the Workers’ Statute as regards the installation of GPS equipment on company cars. With circular no. 2 dated 7 November 2016, the Inspectorate accordingly amended the opinion given on this point by the Milan ....
Categories: Publications
Oggi più che mai il tema della tutela della salute e della sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro ha assunto una centralità senza precedenti...