Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Do you know that
Employees of the private sector who will reach the retiring age by 31 December 2018 will be eligible for a subsidy associated to a reduction of the working hours agreed with their employer (the so called “subsidized part-time”) subject to a number of conditions. In detail, subsidized part-time may be applicable to anyone who: was ....
Categories: Legislation
The Council of Ministers, in its meeting of 23 September 2016 has approved in its final form, a legislative decree containing, among others, provisions integrating and correcting Legislative Decree No. 81/2015 and Legislative Decree No. 148/2015. With regard to accessory work, the decree calls for the principal to notify by text message or email to ....
Categories: Publications
La Sezione Lavoro della Suprema Corte di Cassazione, con la sentenza 20 settembre 2016, n. 18409, ha confermato...
Categories: Publications
The latest edition of the now traditional HR Breakfast by De Luca & Partners was hosted in Milan...
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, with judgement No. 17637 dated 6 September 2016, stated that regardless of the prerequisite of intentionality in the conduct, the dismissal ordered by the ASL (local health authority) to an employee who had falsely certified his attendance at work by means of stamping his time-card when arriving and leaving, was lawful. ....