DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Legislation

On 22 July 2016 Legislative Decree No. 136 that has redefined cross-border postings has been given final approval. The Legislative Decree implementing Directive 2014/67/EU, addresses all cases of irregular posting, encouraging cooperation between States in determining the authenticity of the same. The regulations apply to companies within the EU that post one or more workers ....

Categories: Practice

The Ministry of Labour, with Memoranda Nos. 5199/2016 and 5755/2016, provided clarifications of interpretation on the filing process at the Territorial Directorate of Labour (DTL) of the minutes of conciliation in trade unions. The Ministry pointed out that in the event of conciliation reports filed in trade unions, the DTL must verify a) the authenticity ....

Categories: Practice

On 13 July 2016 the draft agreement was signed for the renewal of the industrial laundry sector COLLECTIVE LABOUR AGREEMENT, which expired on 30 June 2015. The agreement provides for an average wage increase of Euro 70 for level A3, to be paid in three tranches: (i) EUR 30 from 1 July 2016; (ii) Euro ....

Categories: Practice

On 21 July 2016, the renewal of the COLLECTIVE LABOUR AGREEMENT for managers of the Tertiary, Distribution and Service sector, was finalised between Confcommercio and Manageritalia. One of the major novelties notably relates to the reduction of the protected period to 240 days in one year, during which full remuneration is paid to the manager, ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Appeal in Milan, in its ruling No. 439/2016, confirmed the principle that e-mail messages exchanged among employees as part of a mailing list, constitute private correspondence and therefore fall into the category of protected communications of a personal nature. According to the Court, the personality of the communication “lies in the predetermination ....