DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Practice

By way of the publication of Interdepartmental Decree No. 1462/2016 on the Ministry of Labour’s Website on 16 May 2016, the concessions on performance bonuses and on the amounts paid to employees by way of sharing into the company’s profits introduced by 2016 Stability Law have become effective. The Decree at issue governs, amongst others, ....

Categories: Publications

Il datore di lavoro, nell'ambito di un equo contemperamento tra il proprio interesse ad avere un'organizzazione efficiente e produttiva e l'interesse del lavoratore alla propria libertà...

Categories: Case Law

By way of judgment No. 9635 lodged on 11 May 2016, the Court of Cassation has stated that in no way can the concept of insubordination be limited to the refusal to abide by the instructions given by the employer, but it extends to any conduct capable of causing damage to the company’s organisation. Well ....

Categories: Case Law

By way of judgment No. 7558 of 15 April 2016 the Court of Cassation has set forth an important principle on the distribution of the burden of proof on dismissals. The matter flows from a judgment of the Court of Appeal of Milan which, by partially reversing the first instance decision, has declared the dismissal ....

Categories: Case Law

By way of order No. 246/2016, the third division of the Lombardy TAR faces the issue of the disciplinary significance of the opinion given by a civil servant in a social network, even if given as a private user. In the case at issue, a prison officer was suspended from service for a month for ....