Categories: Case Law
By way of judgment No. 10069/2016 the Court of Cassation has stated the principle pursuant to which “the employer has the power, but not the obligation, to continuously and regularly control its own employees”. In the case at issue and by reversing the decisions of the judges ruling on the merits, the Court of Cassation ....
Categories: Legislation
The draft legislative decree No. 296/2016 redefines the rules on cross-border posting, being an obstacle to the so-called “unlawful triangulation of staff”, often used by entrepreneurs to benefit from more advantageous contributory regimes. The draft decree, drawn up for the purposes of implementing EU Directive 67/2014 (the deadline for implementation is fixed on 18 June ....
Categories: Legislation
Three decisions concerning the use of personal data were published in the Official Gazette of the EU last 4 May 2016. Namely, the new Regulation and two Directives, that is that concerning the processing of personal information during police and judicial activities, and that regarding the ‘Personal name record’ (i.e. the ‘Pnr’), that is the ....
Categories: Practice
By way of the publication of Interdepartmental Decree No. 1462/2016 on the Ministry of Labour’s Website on 16 May 2016, the concessions on performance bonuses and on the amounts paid to employees by way of sharing into the company’s profits introduced by 2016 Stability Law have become effective. The Decree at issue governs, amongst others, ....
Categories: Publications
Il datore di lavoro, nell'ambito di un equo contemperamento tra il proprio interesse ad avere un'organizzazione efficiente e produttiva e l'interesse del lavoratore alla propria libertà...