Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Publications
Il datore di lavoro, nell'ambito di un equo contemperamento tra il proprio interesse ad avere un'organizzazione efficiente e produttiva e l'interesse del lavoratore alla propria libertà...
Categories: Case Law
By way of judgment No. 9635 lodged on 11 May 2016, the Court of Cassation has stated that in no way can the concept of insubordination be limited to the refusal to abide by the instructions given by the employer, but it extends to any conduct capable of causing damage to the company’s organisation. Well ....
Categories: Publications
Con la circolare n. 3 dell’1 febbraio 2016, il Ministero del Lavoro ha fornito le prime indicazioni operative sulla nuova disciplina...
Categories: Publications
Ai sensi dell'art. 32, comma 4, lett. d), della L. n. 183/2010, in caso di somministrazione irregolare, l'accertamento della...
Categories: Case Law
By judgment no. 6775 of 7 April 2016, the Court of Cassation has asserted the right of workers to access their personal records, containing the documents and acts relative to the professional pathway and career advancement whilst in employment. In this case, a woman had repeatedly asked her employer to access, pursuant to Article 13 ....