DLP Insights

Categories: Case Law

With its judgment No. 2734 of 11 February 2016, the Court of Cassation has ruled on whether the 60 day time limit applies to labour supply contracts. This is a much-discussed issue, following the introduction of article 32 of Law No. 183/2010 (the so-called ‘Collegato Lavoro‘), both by law scholars and by case law. Even ....

Categories: Case Law

With its judgments No. 1856 of 1 February 2016 and No. 1974 of 2 February 2016, the Court of Cassation has ruled on the existing distinction between agents and business procurers. In particular, the Court of Cassation has stated that the distinguishing features of an agency agreement are the continuity and stability of the activity ....

Categories: Case Law

With its judgment No. 1350 of 26 January 2016, the Court of Cassation has held that a disciplinary sanction inflicted on an employee who, upon industrial unrest, had refused to substitute an absent colleague within a time frame outside normal working hours, regardless of an express obligation included in the trade-union agreement, is lawful. The ....

Categories: Legislation

On 28 January 2016, the Council of Ministers passed, amongst others, the bill conveying measures for protecting non-entrepreneurial self-employment. The regulation at issue must follow the procedure to enact a bill, in order for it to enter into force. Such regulation was announced as the professional Self-employment’s statute, since it is the first unitary text ....

Categories: Legislation

Amongst the main new developments introduced by the Stability Law for 2016, the amendments made to article 51 of the Consolidated Tax Act (TUIR) are particularly important. In particular, the measures foresee a personal income tax (IRPEF) exemption for: (i) supplies and services (aimed at education, training, leisure, welfare services and health care, religion) which, ....