DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Practice

With its circular No. 3 of 1 February 2016, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies has given its own inspectors the first operational instructions on the new rules on freelance work coordinated by an employer, as per Legislative Decree No. 81/2015. In particular, the Ministry has dwelled upon the so-called heter-organisation issue, by considering ....

Categories: Practice

As regards the employment targeted at the disabled, Legislative Decree No. 151/2015 has introduced some new developments on the so-called ‘reserve quota’, partial exemptions, mandatory hiring procedures, automatic compensation for public employers and implementation of the so-called ‘Targeted employment database‘. Therefore, in order to enable the adjustment of the IT systems and ensure a full ....

Categories: Practice

By replying to questioning No. 7/2016 raised by Confindustria, the Ministry of Labour provides clarification on the right to priority and on contributory exemption. In particular, the Ministry of Labour was requested whether the employer may benefit from the contributory exemption under article 1, paragraph 118, of Law No. 190/2014, for the purposes of hiring ....

Categories: Publications

In the context of the Fornero labour proceeding, the exception to the statute of limitations to challenge a dismissal can be submitted even only during the objection phase and not in the previous challenge one.

Categories: Publications

With its judgment no. 1595 of 28 January 2016 the Labour Section of the Cassation Court, returned to ruleon the existence of just cause for dismissal of a employee who had..