DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Practice

With its order no.345 of 4 June 2015, the Authority for Privacy, ruled on the issue of remote control of workers’ activities. Specifically, the order in question confirmed that the employer cannot keep Skype conversations of employees, not even to document conduct harmful to the company including if the employee leaves the Skype icon enabled ....

Categories: Practice

On 15 October 2015, after just 24 hours of negotiations and more than two months before the expiration date of the current contract, scheduled for 15 December, the hypothesis was signed for renewal of the national collective contract for 2016-2018 for employees of the chemical-pharmaceutical sector. The agreement on one hand confirms the central nature ....

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Appeals of Milan, Labor Section, with its ruling, rejected the appeal submitted by a temporary worker of our Client, who had challenged the temporary work contract requesting, inter alia, verification of (i) the nullity and/or illegalness and/or ineffectiveness of the termination date set in the contract and (ii) the existence of open ....

Categories: Case Law

With its ruling no. 18165 of 16 September 2015, The Court of Cassation recognized an executive position for a credit manager who, despite the lack of formal assignment of such position by top management, performed executive duties. These duties were characterized by the proposal, with broad decision-making powers, to one or more services, which put ....

Categories: Case Law

With its ruling no. 20068 of 7 October 2015, the Cassation Court confirmed that the dies a quo for the start of the 180 days for filing an appeal coincide with the date when a letter is sent by the employee challenging the employer’s dismissal and not the date the employer receives such letter. This ....