Categories: Case Law
With its ruling no. 22627 of 5 November 2015, the Cassation Court confirmed the lower court decision, declaring that, following the introduction of the Collegato Lavoro (Law 183/2010), the statute of limitations and ineffectiveness of the challenge of a dismissal as per article 6 of Law 604/1996 also applies to managers. Basically a manager, like ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Justice of the European Union, with sentence no. C-422/14 of 11 November 2015, intervened on two central points of the European directive on collective redundancies (98/59/EC). In this case (i) the calculation criteria for company size which makes the law governing collective redundancies applicable and (ii) the notion of redundancy useful for ....
Categories: Legislation
Draft law 1751 currently before the Justice and Labour Commissions of the Chamber of Deputies, regulates “whistleblowing”, i.e. employee reporting of unlawful acts encountered at work- This is a system which guarantees legality that is not very widespread in Italy, but is much more so abroad, especially in Great Britain and the USA. It provides ....
Categories: Publications
Employment & Labour Law 4th Edition, published in association with Dechert - is now available online and is entirely free to access here.
Categories: Interviews
What social shock absorbers does the Jobs Act include in the event of dismissal? And how do they reconcile with protections for maternity? We spoke with Elena Cannone, a lawyer from the De Luca & Partners law firm in Milan, specialised in employment law. Unemployment benefits (Italian mobilità) during pregnancy. This social shock absorber regards ....