Categories: Practice
By judgment of 26 September 2023, no. 46188, the Italian Court of Cassation, Third Chamber, ruled on the components necessary for the offence referred to in Article 4 of Italian Law no. 300 of 1970 (the “Workers’ Charter”) stating that the installation of a video surveillance system without the authorisation required by law does not ....
Categories: Case Law
By Order of 13 November 2023, no. 31561, the Italian Court of Cassation ruled that, to fully comply with the repêchage obligation (obligation to relocate), it is necessary to assess whether hires made following the termination for justified objective reasons are of the same level of classification as the dismissed employee. The facts of the ....
Categories: Do you know that
On 1 July 2023, the so-called “Sports Reform Law” contained in Italian Legislative Decree of 28 February 2021, no. 36, originally published in the Italian Official Gazette of 18 March 2021, no. 67, came into force. This law deals specifically with the “reorganisation and reform of the provisions on professional and amateur sports bodies, as ....
Categories: Interviews
For Vittorio De Luca, Managing Partner of the law firm De Luca & Partners, “from an employment law point of view, the most important changes are the new fixed-term contract regime, aimed, at least partially, at overcoming the restrictions introduced by the so-called Dignity Decree, as well as those in the field of safety at ....
Categories: Legislation
The draft Italian Legislative Decree on international taxation (implementing Italian Law of 9 August 2023, no. 111, containing “Delegation to the Government for the revision of the tax system”) which contains the new regime for impatriate workers is currently being discussed in the Chamber of Deputies within the Italian Parliament. At present the text amends ....