DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Publications

A new post-crisis wind is beginning to blow: Italy is recovering its competitiveness and globally recouping its appeal.

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Appeals of Milan, Labor Section, with its ruling, rejected the appeal submitted by a temporary worker of our Client, who had challenged the temporary work contract requesting, inter alia, verification of (i) the nullity and/or illegalness and/or ineffectiveness of the termination date set in the contract and (ii) the existence of open ....

Categories: Case Law

With its ruling no. 18165 of 16 September 2015, The Court of Cassation recognized an executive position for a credit manager who, despite the lack of formal assignment of such position by top management, performed executive duties. These duties were characterized by the proposal, with broad decision-making powers, to one or more services, which put ....

Categories: Case Law

With its ruling no. 20068 of 7 October 2015, the Cassation Court confirmed that the dies a quo for the start of the 180 days for filing an appeal coincide with the date when a letter is sent by the employee challenging the employer’s dismissal and not the date the employer receives such letter. This ....

Categories: Case Law

With its ruling no. 20440 of 12 October 2015, the Court of Cassation declared a dismissal of an employee by an employer lawful, after having ascertained – based on records from a GPS installed on a company car, as well as on the basis of results from investigations, – that the employee left the company ....