Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Legislation
As of 25 June 2015, the date when the Law on overhaul of contracts became effective, it is no longer possible to stipulate project-related contracts, while contracts currently in progress will remain in place until their natural expiration. Thus the spotlight has returned to long term consultant contracts “without a project”.
Categories: Legislation
The Government has targeted improvement of employment of parents and has decided to do so by allowing greater flexibility in the use of parental leave.
Categories: Interviews
Thanks to the approval of the implementing decree, these are the novelties introduced as of last June. The most important one regards the extension of parental leave up to 12 years of the child’s life (up to 6 to 30 percent of the salary). “The possibility of using leave by hours, instead of by day, ....
Categories: Case Law
The Milan Court, Labour Section, with an order of 6 May 2014, ruled regarding litigation on appeal as per article 414 of the Italian Code of Civil Procedure concerning sentencing of the employer: a) to the consequences contained in article 18 of the Workers’ Statute for the adopted discriminatory dismissal; b) to pay the salary ....
Categories: Legislation
The Government, with the aim of creating new employment opportunities for those excluded from the job market, introduced a new form of professional training apprentice contract with the new decree overhauling contractual types (Legislative Decree no. 81/2015). This type of apprenticeship is for those who receive unemployment benefits (Aspi, Naspi, agricultural and construction unemployment) or long-term unemployment.