DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Publications

Temporary work (or job on call) is an employment contract whereby the worker makes himself available for non-continuous or temporary work, identified by...

Categories: Publications

The main introductions regarding part-time work concern the topic of working time changes, which has always been a relevant subject for the legislator.

Categories: Interviews

The specialisation in consultation for companies: at present at winning choice in the employment law field. Vittorio De Luca, Managing Partner of the law firm with the same name, which next year celebrates forty years of business in this sector, was interviewed by Finanza&Diritto. Source: FinanzaeDiritto.it www.finanzaediritto.it/articoli/la-funzione-strategica-dell%E2%80%99avvocato-giuslavorista-la-parola-all%E2%80%99avvocato-vittorio-de-luca-14344.html

Categories: Legislation

The draft of the legislative decree on simplifications, rejected in its first draft by the Government last 11 June, enacting article 1, paragraph 7, letter f) of Law 183/2014, rewrites the text of the Workers' Statute in terms of remote controls. In its new formulation basically the trade union and/or authorisation procedure handled by the local employment office (DTl) for installation of audio-visual systems shall remain the same, while provisions will be introduced regarding work instruments.

Categories: Legislation

The enactment of the contract with increased protection based on seniority raises interpretation questions regarding the statute of limitations for remuneration due for employment.