DLP Insights

Categories: Case Law

With its ruling no. 14106/2015, the Court of Cassation declared a dismissal of an employee for just cause wrongful due to a late letter of admonition. In the case in question, a disciplinary proceeding was started in April 2010 against the worker, who was arrested in January 2009 for events not related to his employment.

Categories: Case Law

The Milan Court, Labour Section, with the ruling no. 862/2015, rejected the appeal submitted by a former employee of a Company we represent, who had applied to the aforesaid judge in order to obtain, inter alia, salary differences resulting from (i) recognition of a period of irregular work; (ii) recognition of a higher employment category; ....

Categories: Publications

The Court of Cassation once again rules on the legitimacy of a second dismissal notified by the employer on the same employee while a challenge...

Categories: Legislation

Some of the most important changes introduced by implementing decree no. 80 which became effective on 25 June 2015 and containing the measures for reconciliation between family needs and work, include the possibility of asking for parental leave to use up until the child is 12 years old, which is paid at 30% up to six years, and the possibility of using parental leave in hours, alternatively to part-time at 50%.