Categories: Case Law
According to the Cassation decision no. 4237/2015 the conduct of a worker, who during a period of leave due to injury worked at a third party performing a job substantially coinciding with his employment does not constitute just cause for dismissal.
Categories: Legislation
Starting in May 2015 13 weeks of contributions paid in the four years prior to unemployment will be sufficient for obtaining the new unemployment benefit called NASpI.
Categories: Legislation
The draft of the Legislative Decree overhauling contracts examined last 20 February by the Council of Ministers would result in some significant changes in policies for reconciling free time and work.
Categories: Legislation
When the decree becomes effective the rules for long-term hiring and dismissal will change substantially.
Categories: Legislation
Last 20 February the draft of the legislative decree was examined concerning an overhaul of contracts which, among other things, entails the gradual elimination of project-based contracts, that, with certain exceptions, will no longer be stipulated and will be converted into normal employment contracts starting 1 January 2016.