Categories: Case Law
The Labour Court of Lodi confirmed that it is legal to dismiss a worker due to the elimination of the department and tasks to which the worker was assigned, and impossibility to re-use the employee in other positions compatible with physical limitations reported by the designated Company Doctor and Public Health Service. In challenging the ....
Categories: Legislation
With the Decree 29/2015, which became effective last 3 April, workers can request monthly payment of their post-employment benefits (so-called "QUIR") in relation to pay periods from 1 March 2015 to 30 June 2018.
Categories: Case Law
The Cassation Court, with its ruling no. 6631/2015 of 1 April 2015, confirmed that an office environment which is too cold justified the workers refusal to work, and in such cases the workers do not lose their right to pay.
Categories: Legislation
An agreement was signed on 31 March to renew the collective labour contract of the tertiary, distribution and services sector starting 1 April 2015.
Categories: Legislation
Confcommercio and the trade unions have reached an agreement for renewal of the Tertiary sector contract.