Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Legislation
Employers may use data concerning their employees that are found on social networks. This has been established by the Privacy Authority and the judiciary.
Categories: Legislation
Starting 1 January 2015, the economic treatment that relates to persons who were dismissed as a result of a staff-reduction procedure and that is covered by the application of redundancy schemes will suffer a significant reduction.
Categories: Case Law
In Judgment No. 24525/2014, the Court of Cassation held that it is permissible to reinstate a dismissal voided for failure to observe the respite period by issuing a new act of dismissal based on the same conditions, where the employee gives notice of a new period of illness.
Categories: Case Law
In Judgment No. 46820, entered last 12 November, the Court of Cassation held that obligations of supervision and control imposed on employers are not diminished with the appointment of a health and safety officer (Rssp), whose role is to provide direct assistance in support of, and not in substitution of, the employer in identifying risk factors.
Categories: Legislation
On 6 November 2014, the Chamber of Deputies gave final approval to the bill (S. 1612) to convert Decree Law No. 132/2014, which is aimed at improving the overall efficiency of civil lawsuits. Below is a summary of the main revisions.