DLP Insights

Categories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, judgment no. 18678 of September 4, 2014, confirmed the lawfulness of a dismissal noticed to a “strategic” absentee employee even if the sick leave was not exceeded.

Categories: Legislation

INPS, with note no. 100 of September 2, 2014, provided for the instructions for payment to the new residual solidarity Fund (introduced through DM 79141/2014). The payments are due by companies – to which redundancy fund is not applicable – with more than 15 employees.

Categories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, joined sections, judgment no. 18353 issued on August 27, 2014, stated that the waiver of reinstatement on the workplace (as a consequence of an unlawful dismissal), replaced by the indemnity in lieu (payment of 15 monthly installments), entails the final termination of the employment relationship;

Categories: Legislation

The reform of the fixed-term contract by the Law Decree 34/2014 requires the compliance with the threshold provided by the collective agreement. In lack of collective provisions, the threshold is equal to 20% of the employees hired with open ended contract, with provision of a transient period expiring on December 31. Such period is granted to employers in order to comply with the said limit in 2014.

Categories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, judgment no. 18046 of August 20, 2014, confirmed the case-law guideline based on which irregular staff leasing is subject to the sanction introduced by Law 183/2010: if the work relationship turns into an undetermined contract as a consequence of an irregular staff leasing, the worker is entitled to damages ranging from 2,5 and 12 monthly installments of the last overall compensation.